Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mini Indoor Gardening Set

The Rumford Gardener Mini Idoor garden Set is an well-needed item for anyone who has abundant indoor plantings to maintain and care for. As a person with large hands and who tries - often - to use large tools for indoor tasks, believe me when I say there are times when smaller tools are called for. My history has me breaking any wild number of vases and plastic thingies, let me put it that way. A more delicate touch is required indoors. This little set is perfect for such small endeavors, as numerous as they may be. Nothing here is on the over-built side of rustic but monstrous toolage. Believe me when i mention size matters. In this case, smaller is much, much better.

For more specific product information and for user reviews, please click here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Folding Pruning Saw

This Silky Folding Landscaping Saw I recommend because I have used it. Folding pruning saws are fairly common and one can easily pick one up down at Home Depot or somewhere for a one time use for a bit less money. My experience with this one, however is something more than memorable. Somehow, the formation and manufacture of the teeth on this saw make its cutting time far faster than even the best other brands. These saws can universally surprise anyone who takes on limbs and branches with even the most average one's ability to quickly slice through wood. They are simply fairly stunning, even at their worst. But what this saw did for me - who had used them for decades - was not only surprise me with the speed of the cutting, but the sheer durability of the unit itself. And not only that, but the handle fits a hand with stunningly more comfort. It's hard to aver that someone should spend something extra on something they may only need to use a few times. But for anyone who has repeated journeys up into trees for purposes of pruning, there is no other saw I could possibly recommend more.

For more product information, including a rap on how they put these blades and teeth together, click here.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Electric Landscape Edger

This Black and Decker Electric Landscape Edger is just like what the professionals use - metal blade and all - but it comes at a stunningly fair price and without the ultra-power of the machine driven ones. At the same time, this item has plenty of Oomph to do the job for a single homeowner and represents yet another very cool movement towards quieter, cleaner and less dangerous equipment for the average Joe like us. What many people tend to overlook is the power electricity delivers. In terms of sheer torque, this one rivals gas-powered units. It is far cleaner to operate, has fewer parts to go South and it still represents the best possible way to edge lawns and sidewalk edges. This is a heck of a little machine.

For user reviews - all good - and for more product information, click right here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Garden Hopper Mobile Garden Stool and Storage

This Mobile Garden Stool And Storage device is not funny. I know, I know, I can hear the questions already: "Why on Earth is this even here, posed by a supposed serious landscaper and gardener?" Well, it's an easy answer to anyone who knows the field. Bending over gets exhausting. Standing up, bending over, sitting down - repeatedly, in just about that order - are even more exhausting. From working inside irrigation boxes to weeding and planting bulbs, from installing lighting systems to dealing with wet ground on the rear end of pants - these factors all contribute to a longing for just this unit. It carries around my 250 pound friend with no problem, scooting across grass and dirt at the typical glacial speed we gardeners operate at. It also gives a spot to leave a cell phone, tools, parts, gizmo's and the likes without picking them all up and scooting them, along with ourselves, to our next destination. Honestly, the height of this is ideal as is the concept itself. Frankly, I cannot recommend this tidy little unit higher.

But for real user reviews and for some product information, click right here.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

High-Powered Electric Snow Blower

This amazing Electric Snow Blower has actually been oin the market for quite a while. It actually runs at more RPM than gas-powered models and no one needs convincing that electrical appliances are far less smelly, less polluting and less prone to breakdown than any gasoline-powered anything. What's most interesting about this model is it's power. It can definitely fling some snow. Yes, it does have some limitations - predictably those relate to the overall amount of snow. The cord does have to be drug around but most people claim to clean off driveways of 30-50 feet two cars wide in less than a half hour. Make no mistake, under a foot of snow, this works as well as any unit in its class. A friend of mine has had one now for 4 years and he loves it. 25 pounds of snow blowing power is nothing to sneeze at. Plus, it's clean!

For some nice user reviews and for much more product information, click here.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Multi-Talented Manure Fork

The Ames True Temper 10 Tine Manure Fork is more than just a pretty face! The variety of jobs this fork can do around the home and in the landscape is fairly astounding. Perfect for removing and piling leaves in containers or wheelbarrows, it is lighter and easier to handle than shovels for tasks such as loading mulch, grass clippings, and garden debris for removal.

Truthfully, I have used this as a true secret weapon of productivity and I am being 100% honest. Picking up stuff off the ground gets tiring, bending over or using shovels to try and not gouge the grass. With this hot little item, you can darn near clean up every morsel with a few swipes. I would include this in any list of a building tool repertoire without batting an eye. Oh yeah - it also handles manure great! This is a tool from Above.

For needless user reviews and for product info I wouldn't even bother with, click right here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Garden Maintenance Set - Battery Powered

This Black and Decker Garden Maintenance Set is among the most successful battery-powered sets offered in the market. I actually used this set up myself to great effect. It is entirely possible to get less expensive items which are less durable. In fact, there is a rather glutted market of these products in general, with many suspect name brands entering the market. The result is a mysterious combination of elements which don't satisfy the way one would want - and at some expense! These 3 items are excellent for the real work of landscaping and gardening and provide durabiltiy with reliable performance. Nor does one need the entire set, of course. It's just that these particular products have been proven over my own experience, thus my recommendations. I highly recommend any one or all of these particularly helpful gardening items.

For more product information or for hundreds of user reviews, click here.

Just Like Dad!

Battery Operated Tool Set, just like dad uses. I don't do this that often, but I surely recall wanting to pull out my own tools when my Dad went to work around the house. Naturally, I had a more primitive setup - including a belt! - but this one matches well all those new-fangled power tools all of our dads are sporting these days, from battery-powered drills to Sawzall's and Skil Saws. This is "just for kids", seeing as how the drills don't really drill anything, although let me be the first to applaud the functioning power light! You have hammer, pliers, even a generator to make your kid's world a perfect reflection of the working world's aims. Help Dad by using your own doggone tools! You'll never have to borrow a tool again!

For some more information on this ideal Christmas Present and for some user reviews, click here.